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Photo credit: John C. Brown

This is a strange time for me to start a blog. Never have I felt I have less to say and more a need to listen. If you had caught me ten years ago, or better yet twenty years ago, I would have had a lot to say and would have probably been in love with the way I said it.

But the years between then and now have been a beautiful undoing. And it is from a much more vulnerable place that I offer this blog up to God to do with as He wills. It is my hope that through it somehow others would see the majesty and wonder and joy in His eyes that I have glimpsed. The best books I have ever read have been the ones I didn't even finish because they gave me such a view of God that I couldn't stand just reading about Him when I could be with Him first-hand. I would be over-the-moon if in any of this you tossed my thoughts aside to have a face-to-face moment with Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Photo credit: John C. Brown

I also hope to share a bit of myself and the projects on my plate with the family and friends whom I love but with the separation ache of time and distance. Being far from you has been a part of the hard undoing. Perhaps words on a blog can substitute in a small way for laughs together in Grandma's living room or the unexpected, hurried encounters at the grocery store that we are missing together. At least we will be moving in the direction of being friends and away from being strangers.

And then there is this: If no one else sees this blog, it is guaranteed to leave its mark on one heart: my own. And that heart is the only one in all of existence for which I am 100% accountable to God. Perhaps the discipline of putting words to the wonder of God's love as seen in my own particular life may be yet another gift from Him to me.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is JUST, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8


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