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As a stay-at-home caregiver, my life can seem so small sometimes. The passion I once had to make a difference in the world seems a lifetime away. I know intellectually that caring for just one person is as important as helping hundreds, but emotionally it doesn’t always feel that way. It can feel more like my life’s purpose was misplaced by mistake; like I took a wrong turn and accidentally disappeared off the planet.

Little things can be the biggest things.

God used a dear friend to expose that lie in my heart and heal a part of my thinking that I didn’t realize had taken ill. She was sharing about the mighty difference we make in the spirit when we do even the tiniest things while resting in Jesus and in step with the Kingdom of God.

When we choose to forgive someone, we have changed the world for the next generation. When we respond to disappointment with gentle kindness instead of snarkiness, we have released the spirit of love that has the power to change the atmosphere for our entire neighborhood.

We don't claw out significance from life for ourselves.

King David wrote that his salvation and his significance depend ultimately on God (Psalm 62:7).

I don’t have to have children or a non-profit charity or lots of social media followers to have a legacy or significance. My worth is safely determined and kept in Jesus. I couldn't change the destiny of love and purpose He has for me if I were hidden in the belly of a whale.

Steam Engine #3 still powerful and beautiful even if hidden from view.
Photo Credit: John C. Brown

Hidden and Still Changing the World.

I used to know this truth and live from the confidence of it. I unwittingly set freedom down but have picked it back up again. Thank you Ally for your iron-sharpening friendship. Let us all take courage because of God's generous love and keep on giving it away to others where we find ourselves today. You may feel hidden, but you are still changing the world because of Jesus!

On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Psalm 62:7 ESV


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