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How would you react if someone volunteered you to paint a reproduction of Michaelangelo's figure of God from the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel for a local coffee shop?  Oh, and by the way, this mural would also be on a ceiling, a domed one, and you have no real experience painting...anything.

My reaction was equal parts crazy disbelief and the dread of failure so certain I was already living it in my stomach.  Then I took a breath and let myself be overwhelmed that someone loved me and believed in me so fiercely as to suggest I could do the job at all, let alone well.  When I prayed and asked God what I should do, I heard in my heart "Do not fear, only believe".

Above you see not just the end result of that unexpected challenge but also an example of what good can come from believing in someone else and pushing them past their comfort zone and the miracles that happen when you let God's spoken word ring louder in your ears than your own fears.


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